3rd International Conference on Biodiversity and the UN Millennium Development Goals

The goal is to identify science-based solutions for global sustainability focusing on the issues of biodiversity and food security. Current ecological, economic and societal challenges for development require a holistic understanding of food security and environmental management : from this perspective, biodiversity can be seen as key to overcome trade-offs and to develop synergies between the food system and the conservation of landscapes, ecosystems, and species.
The conference seeks to attract scientists from basic and applied research. It involves policy makers and other stakeholders concerned with biodiversity and food security themes who are interested in developing new solutions and strategies. It will connect researchers and stakeholders from natural sciences, social sciences, economics, humanities, technology and related fields.
Ecce Terra en chiffres
Domaines scientifiques :
- Terre interne
- Environnement
- Ecologie
- Climat
16 laboratoires et équipes associés, rassemblant 1500 personnes au centre de Paris
UFR 918 Terre, Environnement, Biodiversité
OSU Ecce Terra
Directeur :
Loïc Segalen (loic.segalen @ sorbonne-universite.fr)
tel : +33 1 44 27 23 35
Administration -communication :
Tassnim Lesguillons (tassnim.lesguillons @ sorbonne-universite.fr)
tel : +33 1 44 27 52 05
Sorbonne Université
4, place Jussieu
75252 Paris cedex 05
Tour 46 - couloir 4600
4e étage
BC 112